State of the Month:
South Carolina
This months excerpts from the Government Job Finder are job sources for the State of South Carolina. These sources will get you to local and state government positions (and some federal positions) in South Carolina. These are just some of the job sources presented in the book.
Even if youre not looking for government work in South Carolina, this should give you a good idea of the sort of job sources for individual states that appear in the each of the Job Finder books.
Uptown (Municipal Association of South Carolina, P.O. Box 12109, Columbia, SC 29211; phone: 803/7999574) 11 issues/year, $10/annual nonmember subscription, free/members. Two or three jobs in municipal government appear under Job Market.
South Carolina Municipal Officials Directory (Municipal Association of South Carolina, P.O. Box 12109, Columbia, SC 29211; phone: 803/7999574) $15/nonmembers, free/members, published annually. Lists municipal elected officials and department heads. You can go to the Internet for a directory of cities with addresses and phone numbers but no names of individuals. Go to URL:, and select Member Cities.
Compensation Survey (Municipal Association of South Carolina, P.O. Box 12109, Columbia, SC 29211; phone: 803/7999574) $15/nonmembers, free/members, published each February. Surveys salary and benefits packages available in municipal government in South Carolina.
Job Market (Municipal Association of South Carolina, P.O. Box 12109, Columbia, SC 29211; phone: 803/7999574) free. This daily list of vacancies for municipal jobs in South Carolina can be found at URL:, and selecting Calender and Classifieds and then clicking on Job Market.
Local government job hotlines in South Carolina
Charleston: 803/7203907
Charleston County: 803/7240694
Columbia: 803/7338478
Lexington County: 803/3598562
Richland County: 803/7484832
Rock Hill: 803/3295573
South Carolina Security Commission Home Page, as of this writing, does not yet include a job database. But it probably will in the near future so be sure to check it out yourself at Internet URL: To get a directory of state Job Service Offices, select Offices.
To locate the states 38 Job Service Offices, contact the Employment Security Commission (1550 Gadsden St., Columbia, SC 29202; phone: 803/7372400).
State government jobs
Career Lines (Office of Human Resources Management, Job Information Center, 2221 Devine, Columbia, SC 29205; phone: 803/7349080). For a 24hour recording of professional positions with the State of South Carolina, call 803/7349333; for clerical, technical, and skilled labor positions, call 803/7349334.
While many state jobs are listed on the Career Lines, many others are posted on the bulletin board at the Job Information Center. All are also available for review at local Job Service Offices. Each state agency does its own hiring. See the directories of state agencies at the beginning of this chapter. The Job Information Center publishes a brochure, Applicant Alert: Guide to State Employment.
South Carolina State Agency Locator: 803/7341000
Federal Job Information TouchScreen Computer Kiosk: There are no kiosks in South Carolina. The nearest one is in Atlanta, GA, at the Richard B. Russell Federal Building, 75 Spring St., SW.
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