Mail OrdersThe easiest way to place a
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Book TitlePricex Quantity = Total
Dream It Do It: Inspiring Stories of Dreams Come True   SOLD OUT
International Job Finder   50% off the $19.95/paperback – slightly imperfect$9.98 $ ________
How to Get a Job in Europe  $22.95$22.95 $ ________
National Job Hotline Directory: The Job Finder’s Hot List:
$16.95 $ ________
Professional's Job Finder — $18.95/paperback only$18.95 $ _________
Non–Profits & Education Job Finder 1997-2000  —  SOLD OUT SOLD OUT
   $ ________
   $ ________
   $ ________
   $ ________
   $ ________
Add up the total cost in the green box to the right::$ __________
Add $6.50 shipping for the first item+ $ 6.50
Add $1.50 for each additional item or copy + $ _______
Total domestic shipping: Add the above two lines and put the total in this green box:= $ _______
Subtotal: Add the amounts from the above 2 green boxes: = $ _______
Illinois residents only: Add 9.25% sales tax by multiplying the Subtotal $ _______ x .0925 == $ _______
Foreign Shipping: Orders to destinations outside the U.S. or Canada:
Add another $16 per book for shipping and handling. We will refund any overpayment
when we ship your book(s) to you (insured). Orders to bases and ships of
the U.S. Armed Forces do not require this additional postage.
$ ______
Final total:
Add the amounts from the three blue boxes immediately above.
= $ _____

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7215 Oak Avenue
River Forest, Illinois 60305–1935