Professional's Job Finder
Over 3,003 sources of job openings in the private sector or business world
PLEASE NOTE: This Table of Contents should give you a good idea of the breadth of coverage in the Professional's Job Finder book. The number after a chapter or section title is the page in the actual book on which that chapter or section starts.
Several chapters are posted on the web site. Their titles are underlined. Click on one to be transported to that chapter.
1 Job hunt tools for your successful job search 1
Tools for your savvy job quest 2
Tools for finding job vacancies 3
Tools for helping employers recruit you 8
Tools for networking 10
Tools for researching employers 11
Tools for the creative approach 13
Tools for using search firms and recruiters 13
Tools for negotiating salary 14
Seven steps to job hunt success 14
2 The Internet job search explosion 17
The players in the online job search 18
Email 19
The World Wide Web 21
Gopher servers 25
Usenet newsgroups 25
Mailing lists 26
FTP file transfers 27
Bulletin board services 27
Growing pains online 28
Offline resources for the online job search 30
Great sites to launch your online job search 32
3 General job sources 38
4 Animals 63
Animals in general 63
Pets 64
Veterinary care 65
5 Apparel and accessories 67
Clothing industry 67
Footwear 71
Jewelry and timepieces 72
6 Architecture 74
7 The arts 77
8 Business 82
Business in general 82
Franchising 91
9 Cemeteries and mortuaries 92
10 Defense industry 94
11 Education 96
12 Entertainment 97
Entertainment in general 97
Amusement industry 101
Dance 103
Film industry 104
Music 105
Theater 108
13 Environment 111
Environment in general 111
Sanitation/solid waste management 116
Water/wastewater operations 118
14 Farming and ranching 120
Beekeeping 120 }
Farming 121
Horses and livestock 124
15 Financial industry 127
Financial industry in general 127
Accounting 131
Economists 133
Financial institutions 134
Insurance 137
Investments, pensions, securities 140
Real estate finance 141
16 Forestry and horticulture 143
Forestry 143
Grounds and horticulture 144
Landscape architecture 148
17 Health care 150
Health care in general 150
Dentistry 162
Doctors 164
Health care administration 178
Nursing 183
Pharmaceuticals 187
Technical, medical assistants 190
Therapy–mental 195
Therapy–physical 199
18 High technology: Computers and electronics 203
High technology: Computers 203
High technology: Electronics 220
19 Hospitality and food industries 223
Hospitality industry in general 223
Lodging and travel industry 224
Restaurants and foodservice 227
20 Legal services 231
21 Manufacturing 241
Manufacturing in general 241
Food production 245
Forest products 249
Manufacturing by specialty 253
22 The media 260
The media in general 260
Broadcasting and film 267
Print media 275
Photographers and videographers 283
Graphic arts and print production 285
Models 290
Advertising, marketing, and p. r. 291
Translators 299
23 Museums and libraries 300
Library services 300
Museums 303
Records and archival services 305
24 Parks, recreation, and sports 306
Camps and camp grounds 306
Coaching 308
Parks and recreation 309
Sports 311
Water–based recreation 312
25 Personnel and human resources 315
Personnel and human resources 315
Employment recruiting 318
26 Pest control 321
27 Planning and economic development 322
Community and economic development 322
Planning 325
28 Purchasing 329
29 Real estate and construction 331
Real estate in general 331
Appraisers 334
Construction 336
Inspections 340
Property management 340
30 Retailing 343
31 Safety 347
32 Sales 349
Sales in general 349
Furniture 351
Home fashions 352
Luggage and leather 353
Office Products 353
Miscellaneous products 354
33 Science and engineering 355
Science and engineering in general 355
Biological sciences 361
Chemists 365
Engineers 369
Geology, materials, and metallurgy 382
Mathematics 386
Physics 387
Plastics and rubber 388
Utilities and energy 389
34 Security 396
35 Social services 400
Social services in general 400
Day care 403
Long–term care 404
Services for senior citizens 404
36 Telecommunications 406
37 Trades 409
38 Transportation 411
Transportation in general 411
Automotive industry 413
Aviation and aerospace 416
Fleet/facilities management 421
Logistics and physical distribution 422
Traffic engineering and parking 423
Transit and rail industries 424
Trucking industry 426
Water transportation 429
39 Savvy job sources for each state 431
City and state job–finding tools 432
Job sources by state 438
Alabama 438
Alaska 438
Arizona 439
Arkansas 440
California 440
Colorado 445
Connecticut 446
Delaware 446
District of Columbia 447
Florida 449
Georgia 449
Hawaii 451
Idaho 451
Illinois 452
Indiana 454
Iowa 455
Kansas 456
Kentucky 456
Louisiana 457
Maine 457
Maryland 458
Massachusetts 460
Michigan 461
Minnesota 462
Mississippi 463
Missouri 464
Montana 465
Nebraska 465
Nevada 466
New Hampshire 467
New Jersey 468
New Mexico 469
New York 470
North Carolina 472
North Dakota 473
Ohio 473
Oklahoma 474
Oregon 475
Pennsylvania 476
Rhode Island 478
South Carolina 478
South Dakota 479
Tennessee 480
Texas 480
Utah 483
Vermont 484
Virginia 485
Washington 487
West Virginia 490
Wisconsin 490
Wyoming 491
Index 492
Budget–stretching discount coupons 508
Catalog at the end of the book 512
Reader feedback form 517
About the author 518
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