Update sheet for the final edition of the:

Non–Profits & Education Job Finder, 1997–2000

New addresses and phones, terminated job sources, newly–discovered job sources

This Update Sheet can be printed from your Web browser by selecting “File” and then “Print.” Be sure to print all pages.

Be sure to note these changes in your copy of the Non–Profits & Education Job Finder.

Changes are listed by chapter and page in the current 1997–2000 edition of the Non–Profits & Education Job Finder.

If you have discovered any other changes, discrepancies, or typographical errors that scurried by our proofreaders, please email the corrections to the author at dl@planningcommunications.com. Be sure to specify the page of the book where the errant listing appears. We will post these changes here and on the print version of this Update Sheet.

This book is sold out. The next edition has been canceled since we have left the book writing and publishing business.
You may be able to find the 1997-2000 edition at Book Depot (located in Florida), 800/438–2750, or Book Look (located in New York), 800/233–0540; and online at http://www.abebooks.com.

This latest Update Sheet was posted on November 20, 2006.

Chapter 1 —Job hunt tools …

Page 13: How embarrassing! In the sidebar titled “Resources for careers with non–profits,” we skillfully misspelled the address of our own web site. We left out the letter “n” in http://jobfindersonline.com. Also, the book Making a Living While Making a Difference has gone out of print. You may be able to find it in a library; if you’re lucky, a bookstore; or from one of these two companies that find out of print books for you: Book Depot (located in Florida), 800/438–2750, or Book Look (located in New York), 800/233–0540, or and online at http://www.abebooks.com. It was a darned good book.

Jobs and Careers with Nonprofit Organizations is available in an all–new second edition for $17.95. We have only a few copies left after which the book will go out of print. Check the “Job Quest Catalog” part of our web site for the section on “Non–Profits” where you will find a few new books that should be helpful.

Chapter 2 — Online job search

Page 25:
World Wide Web Worm, a search engine has been terminated. Cross it out.

Page 33: Jobs in Higher Education has moved to Internet URL: http://www.gslis.utexas.edu/~acadres/jobs/index.html. It now has links to job openings in teaching, research, and administration at over 1,500 colleges and univeristies in the U.S. and elsewhere.

Page  34: The Riley Guide has moved again to a new Internet location at URL: http://www.rileyguide.com.

Job Source Network
located at Internet URL: http://www.jobsourcenetwork.com offers a mind–boggling array of links to web sites you can use in your job search: job databases, resume databases, and directories.Select the “Non–Profits” button. You can search for jobs by job title and location. Check it out.

National Opportunity NOCs Nonprofit Organization Classifieds offers links to other web sites as well as hundreds of job listings in the non–profit sector. Visit Internet URL: http://www.opportunitynocs.org and select “Search Online for National Jobs” or “Read Local Print Editions” to see job ads. “Career Resources” links you to other sites for jobs in the non–profit sector; “Nonprofit Library” introduces you to print resources for your job search (including recommending this book).

Page 36:
Randall Hansen’s very valuable Quintessential Career and Job–Hunting Resources Guide has moved to http://www.quintcareers.com.

Chapter 3 — General job sources

Page 39:
Community Jobs
has been discontinued. You will have to contact ACCESS directly to learn of any replacement plans. For more information, visit ACCESS on the Internet at URL: http://www.accessjobs.org.

Page 40:
The new phone numbers for The Chronicle of Philanthropy are 800/728–2819 and 202/466–1200. The Chronicle now operates a Web site at URL: http://philanthropy.com where job openings are listed. You’ll also find information on other Internet resources for fundraising and grants, workshops, seminars, and conferences.

The new area code for The Employment Review is 561.

Philanthropic Research, Inc. at Internet URL: http://www.guidestar.org where you will find   information and links to non–profit organizations, news, and a frequently updated calendar of conferences for more than 600,000 charities. Although this site is touted as being for donors and volunteers, job seekers can use it to locate potential employers and learn about them.

Idealist (operated by Action Without Borders, Inc.) at Internet URL: http://www.idealist.org offers listings of jobs and internships with non–profit organizations of all types, plus a searchable directory of 16,000 non–profits. To access the highly searchable database of job openings, select “Nonprofit Jobs” form the home page. You can search by job category, job description keyword, country, state or province, city or town, job type, area of focus, and language needed, if any. You can also subscribe (for free) to the “Job Mailing List” which sends you a daily email with new job listings added to the database. To access internships, click on “Nonprofit Internships” on the home page. You can easily search for specific organizations or browse them by country. Select “Volunteer Opportunities” to see places seeking volunteers.
      This feature is particularly important if you wish to move from the private sector to work in non–profits. Richard King, author of the book From Making a Profit for Making a Difference: Careers in Nonprofits for Business Professionals stresses “strategic volunteerism” is a key component for establishing contacts within the non–profit community that you can use to actually get hired when you are ready to leave the private sector.

Page 42:
Non–Profit Organization Search is temporarily on hiatus. To learn when it will be continued, contact ACCESS or visit ACCESS' web site at URL: http://www.accessjobs.org.

Page 43:
Make the following changes in the listing for the Public Allies Program:
New address and phone: Suite 200, 1015 18th St., NW, Washington, DC 20036; phone: 202/822–1180. You can always find Public Allies on the Internet at URL: http://www.publicallies.org.

Career Community Center has a new phone number: 702/259–6570. The usual number of job openings has grown from 30 to over 260.To access the job openings, click on “Search Job Postings.”

Chapter 4 — Advocacy and Organizing

Page 55: Add this web site:
Union Jobs Clearinghouse (Suite 235, 785/E2 Oak Grove, Concord, CA 94518; phone: 925/671–9274) free. Go to Internet URL: http://www.unionjobs.com and select “Staffing Positions” to see detailed job descriptions of staff vacancies with labor unions throughout the U.S.A. You can view the 90 or so jobs by state or alphabetically. Click on “Trades and Apprenticeship Programs” to see openings in seven or more of these programs by state. The date on which a vacancy is posted is given so you can tell if the listing is fresh. Thanks to Job Finder reader Marie Kalliney for alerting us to this new site.

Add this web site:
National Fair Housing Advocate offers about a dozen job openings in fair housing on the Internet at URL: http://www.fairhousing.com/jobs.htm. Positions include litigation directors and attorneys as well as administrators, executive directors, program directors, investigators, and more. Vacancies are deleted after three months or when the employer notifies the operator that the position is filled.

Charities USA: Change the name to Independent Charities of America and the Internet URL to http://www.independentcharities.com. There's just a new name and address; the same great content remains. Thanks to reader Di Dance for telling us about the changed address.

Chapter 8 — Association management

Page 79: Add Communications Roundtable at Internet URL: http://www.roundtable.org/ and select “Career and Employment” where you will find about 30 job openings for fundraisers, public relations, communications, marketing,  and graphic artists. The site also includes a  thorough listing of professional periodical (some with job ads), links to other Internet sites, and lists of career resources including books and web sites.

Chapter 10 — Education

Page 90: The new contact information for Education Week is: Suite 100, 6935 Arlington Rd., Bethesda, MD 20814; phone: 301/280–3100.

Page 96: The new contact information for Teacher Magazine is: Suite 100, 6935 Arlington Rd., Bethesda, MD 20814; phone: 301/280–3100.

Page 99: The new toll–free number for The Chronicle of Higher Education is 800/728–2819.
Academe This Week has moved to a new URL: http://thisweek.chronicle.com

Chapter 12 —Environment

Page 120:
Environmental Opportunities has moved back to the east coast. You can contact it at: P.O. Box 1253, Edgartown, MA 02539; phone: 508/627–7418. When you use the discount coupon on page 329, be sure to use this new address.

The Caretaker Gazette has changed its subscription prices and moved to P.O. Box 4005, Bergheim, TX 78004; phone: 830/336–3939. You can see sample listings on its web site at http://www.caretaker.org. $29.95/annual subscription U.S., $35.95/elsewhere; $49.95/two–year subscription U.S., $61.95/elsewhere; $69.95/three–year subscription U.S., $87.95/elsewhere;  The number of job openings in the usual issue has nearly doubled.

Chapter 17 — Housing, planning and development

Page 171: Add this new resource:
National Fair Housing Advocate offers about a dozen job openings in fair housing on the Internet at URL: http://www.fairhousing.com/jobs.htm. Positions include administrators, executive directors, program directors, investigators, litigation directors, attorneys, and more. Vacancies are deleted after three months or when the employer notifies the operator that the position is filled.

Page 172: New phone number for Shelterforce: 908/678–9060.

Page 176: The GIS World GeoDirectory published by GIS World has moved to: Suite 100, 400 N. College Ave., Fort Collins, CO 80524; phone: 970/221–0037.

Page 175: National Coalition for the Homeless Directories Online Service (National Coalition for the Homeless, Suite 600, 1012 14th St., NW, Washington, DC 20005–3410; phone: 202/737–6444) free. Visit Internet URL: http://www.ari.net/nch and click on “Directories” to access this set of six online directories of national, state, and local organizations that deal with homelessness, including the Directory of National Homeless and Housing Organizations. Taken together, the directories include details (including contact names, phone number, and web links) for over 500 organizations.

Chapter 18 — Legal services

Page 179: Add this web site:
National Fair Housing Advocate offers about a dozen job openings in fair housing on the Internet at URL: http://www.fairhousing.com/jobs.htm. Positions include litigation directors, attorneys, administrators, executive directors, program directors, investigators, and more. Vacancies are deleted after three months or when the employer notifies the operator that the position is filled.

Chapter 19 — The media

Page 184: Add Communications Roundtable at Internet URL: http://www.roundtable.org/ and select “Career and Employment” where you will find about 30 job openings for fundraisers, public relations, communications, marketing, advertising, and graphic artists. The site also includes a  thorough listing of professional media periodicals (some with job ads), links to other Internet sites, and lists of career resources including books and web sites. The site also includes information about the Career Roundtable’s directory of the 230 executive search firms that serve its target audience.

Pages 185–188: Rachel P.R. Services has disappeared. Its phones in California and New York have been disconnected. We've written to Rachel P.R. Services at its California and New York addresses, but have not heard back. So for the time being, assume that its considerable offerings are not available. These include PR Marcom Jobs West – Southern California, PR Marcom Jobs West – Northern California and Pacific Northwest, PR Marcom Jobs Mid–America, PR Marcom Jobs East, Job Bank Gratis, The Source, and Executive Recruiter Labels. You should also cross out the coupon on page 331.

Page 186: Add to “Job Services,” the National PR Network at Internet URL: http://www.usprnet.com where you will find a plethora of helpful job–search tools that include positions in the non–profit sector. Select “Employment” and where you can then choose the “Resume Directory” where you can electronically place your resume for public relations firms to see it. You cannot, however, keep your identity confidential. Scroll down to “Data Entry Forms” where you will find the “Jobs Mailing List.” Here you can subscribe for free to receive emails with job listings in public relations. For an interactive directory of public relations and ad agencies, go back to the home page and click on “PR Finder” which will link you to 2,500 communications industry web sites, public relations services, and associations.

Chapter 22 — Philanthropy

Page 204: The new toll–free number for The Chronicle of Philanthropy is 800/728–2819. The Chronicle now operates a Web site at URL: http://philanthropy.com where job openings are listed. You’ll also find information on other Internet resources for fundraising and grants, workshops, seminars, and conferences.

Chapter 29 — Social services

Page 242: Social Work and Social Services Jobs Online   (George Warren Brown School of Social Work, Washington University, St. Louis, MO) has moved to URL: http://gwbweb.wustl.edu/jobs/.

Page 244: Youth Today is no longer free. (P.O. Box 111, Spencerville, MD 20868–9982) 10 issues/year, $14.95/annual subscription. The number of jobs advertised now ranges from 10 to 25 each issue.

Page 248: Add the following:
National Directory of Children, Youth and Family Services 1998–1999 (Suite  D144, 14 Inverness Drive East, Englewood, CO 80112; phone: 800/343–6681) $119, published in even–numbered years; more details available at URL: http://www.childrenyouthfamilydir.com. Includes contact information on over 30,000 professionals who help troubled youth and their families; state, county, and independent city agencies and services; child protection services including 24–hour phone numbers, local, regional, and national hotlines, and juvenile justice officers; state level descriptions of how each state operates in social and human services, health services, and juvenile services.; resource section and buyers guide.

Directory of American Youth Organizations, 1998–1999 (Free Spirit Publishing, Suite 616, 400 First Ave. North, Minneapolis, MN 55401–1724; phone: 800/735–7323; 651/338–2068) $12.95, published in even–numbered years; more details available at http://www.freespirit.com. Describes over 500 youth organizations in the U.S.

Places for Struggling Teens: A Directory of Year–Round Schools & Programs for Determined Parents (The Woodbury Reports, Inc., P.O. Box 1107, Bonners Ferry, ID 83805; phone: 208/267–5550) free. Visit Internet URL: http://www.woodbury.com to view this online directory of 20 national organizations.

National Coalition for the Homeless Directories Online Service (National Coalition for the Homeless, Suite 600, 1012 14th St., NW, Washington, DC 20005–3410; phone: 202/737–6444) free. Visit Internet URL: http://www.ari.net/nch and click on “Directories” to access this set of six online directories of national, state, and local organizations that deal with homelessness. Includes details (including contact names, phone number, and web links) for over 500 organizations. The six directories are:
Directory of National Homeless and Housing Organizations
Directory of Homeless & Housing Advocacy Coalitions
Directory of Local Homeless Service Organizations
Directory of State Contacts for the Education of Homeless Children and Youth
Directory of North American Street Newspapers
Empowerment Directory
(organizations that involve people who are homeless or formerly homeless in the decision–making process)

Page 252: Add
Salaries and Benefits in Youth Development Agencies – 1996 (The National Assembly, Suite 601, 1319 F St., NW, Washington, DC 20004; phone: 202/347–2080; $34.95 (includes postage),106 pages, 1996; for more details visit URL: http://www.nassembly.org. Reports on salaries, benefits, and minimum education requirements for full–time and part–time youth development professionals in community–based agencies throughout the U.S.

Chapter 30 — Savvy job sources for each state

Arizona, Colorado, Idaho, Montana, New Mexico, Oregon, Washington, Wyoming:
It appears that the wonderful Rocky Mountain Employment Newsletter has ceased publication. We’ll let you know if we can confirm this as soon as we get confirmation. The phone number has been disconnected with no forwarding number listed.

Page 264:
An annual subscription to Opportunity NOCs costs non–profit organizations $35, not $45. The number of job openings in a typical issue now ranges from 200 to 300. You should also visit the new National Opportunity NOCs Nonprofit Organization Classifieds which offers links to other web sites as well as hundreds of job listings in the non–profit sector. Visit Internet URL: http://www.opportunitynocs.org and select "Search Online for National Jobs" or "Read Local Print Editions" to see job ads. "Career Resources" links you to other sites for jobs in the non–profit sector; "Nonprofit Library" introduces you to print resources for your job search (including recommending this book).

Page 265:  JobSmart: California Job Search Guide is now JobStar (Bay Area Library and Information System) free. On the Internet go to URL: http://www.jobstar.org/ and behold its wealth of job resources, focused on San Francisco, Sacramento, San Diego, and Los Angeles. Try not to be overwhelmed. To find job openings in California, choose the appropriate link under the “Get to Work” column .You’ll find links to scores of job banks that list jobs of all types as well as a link to sites where bulletin board services with job ads are listed.

There’s still more at JobStar. You can get the phone numbers for over 500 job hotlines, mostly for private sector companies. That’s not all folks! You can find links to over 300 salary surveys by picking “Salary Info.” There’s also solid advice offered on all aspects of the job–search process.

Page 267: The last sentence in the paragraph that starts “To locate Job Service Offices…” should instruct you to first pick "Job Service" and then choose “List of EDO JobService Locations” at URL: http://wwwedd.cahwnet.gov/.

Page 277:
Add the following resources:
NPO Net offers listings for about 30 vacancies at all levels with non–profit organizations, largely in northeastern Illinois at URL: http://www.npo.net/nponet/index.html. This is a fairly new site so you can expect the number of jobs posted here to increase during the coming months.

1999 Human Care Services Directory of Metropolitan Chicago (Volt Directory Marketing, Ltd., Suite 1000, 1 Sentry Pkwy., Blue Bell, PA 19442; phone: 800/897–2491) $54.90 (includes shipping), 775 pages, most recent edition published January 1999. Includes detailed — and we mean detailed — information on over 4,000 organizations that provide health and child care; educational and legal services; emergency assistance; specialized programs for women, youth, people with disabilities, and seniors; family and individual counseling; day care; camping; veterans services; and other human services in Chicago and Cook, Du Page, Kane, Lake, McHenry, and Will counties. Produced by the United Way, Crusade of Mercy, this is the bible for identifying human service agencies in northeastern Illinois.

Directory of Illinois Foundations (Donors Forum of Chicago Library, Suite 735, 208 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60604; phone: 312/578–0090) $80 plus $5.50/shipping, published in even–numbered years. Provides detailed information on over 1,900 private foundations and corporate giving programs in Illinois. Profiles include staff contact information, principal funding areas, application procedures and deadlines, financial data, and type of grants. Extensive indices.

Members and Forum Partners Directory, 1998  (Donors Forum of Chicago Library, Suite 735, 208 S. LaSalle St., Chicago, IL 60604; phone: 312/578–0090) $30 plus $4.50/shipping, published annually. Profiles the 162 grantmaking members of the Donor’s Forum as well as the 585 non–profit organizations that are members of the Forum. Included in each profile is information on staff, grants, funding guidelines and limitations, deadlines, and organizational purpose.

Page 304:
A new edition of the Directory of Pennsylvania Foundations is now available for $73.50 (includes shipping) plus $4.40 sales tax for Pennsylvania residents and another 74¢ sales tax for residents of Philadelphia or Allegheny County. This sixth edition includes over 300 new entries. Beginning in September 1998, this directory will be available on a CD–ROM that runs on both Windows and MacIntosh computers.

Budget–stretching discount coupons

Page 329: Environmental Opportunities has moved   to the east coast. You can contact it at: P.O. Box 1253, Edgartown, MA 02539; phone: 508/627–7418.

Page 330: It appears that the wonderful Rocky Mountain Employment Newsletter has ceased publication. We’ll let you know if we can confirm this as soon as we get confirmation. The phone number has been disconnected with no forwarding number listed.

Page 331: Rachel P.R. Services has disappeared. Its phones in California and New York have been disconnected. We've written to Rachel P.R. Services at its California and New York addresses, but have not heard back. So for the time being, assume that its considerable offerings are not available and wipe out this coupon.

Return to the main Updates page.

Non-Profits & Education Job Finder 99

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