How to access Internet job resources even
if you don’t own a computer

Job seekers who do not have a computer at home or work still have opportunities to access the Internet’s job resources and use email to get hired. And the chances are pretty good you have some idea of how to do this if you are reading this now.

First check with your local public library. A growing number of public libraries offer their patrons free Internet access. You may have a friend or relative who will let you use her computer. You may be able to rent time on a computer while chugging caffeine at one of the “cybercafes” that are springing up all over the country. And you may be allowed to use the computer and Internet connection at your college alumni relations office.

Whatever way you get on the Internet, you will want to establish an email account where you can receive responses to your inquiries, job applications, and networking efforts.

You can set up a free email account by going to either of these Web sites at URLs: or You’ll be able to choose a password that will prevent other people from seeing your email. Free email accounts are also available at URLs:,, and

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