Government Job Finder,
3rd edition
Over 2,002 sources of job openings in local, state, and federal government
Table of contents
PLEASE NOTE: This Table of Contents should give you a good idea of the breadth of coverage in the Government Job Finder book. The number after a chapter or section title is the page in the actual book on which that chapter or section starts.
Several chapters are available on this web site. Their titles are underlined. Click on one to be transported to that chapter.
Preface v
1 Job hunt tools for your successful job search 1
Tools for your savvy job quest 3
Seven steps to job hunt success 19
2 The Internet job search explosion 21
The players in the online game 22
Email 23
The World Wide Web 24
Gopher servers 29
Usenet newsgroups 29
Mailing lists 30
FTP file transfers 31
Bulletin board services 31
Online growing pains 32
Offline resources for the online job search 34
Gateways to launch your online job search 36
3 General sources for local and state government jobs 41
4 Agriculture 55
5 Animal control, aquariums, and zoos 58
6 Code administration and enforcement 61
7 Computers 63
8 Engineering and science 65
9 Environment 71
Environment in general 71
Sanitation/solid waste management 77
Water/wastewater operations 79
10 Fire protection 81
11 Fleet and facilities management 83
12 Forestry and horticulture 85
13 Law enforcement 88
14 Legal services and the courts 93
15 Library services 100
Nationwide job sources 100
Multi–state job sources 105
State job sources 106
16 Media and the arts 110
17 Parks and recreation 114
18 Planning and related fields 118
Planning in general 118
Community and economic development 124
Housing 127
Architects/urban design 129
Landscape architecture 129
19 Political industry 131
20 Public administration 134
Public administration in general 134
Personnel and human resources 137
Finance and accounting 140
Risk management/insurance 142
Purchasing 143
Property appraisal/tax assessment 145
Real estate/property management 147
21 Public health and health care 148
Public health and health care 148
Mental health 156
22 Public safety 159
Public safety 159
Emergency management 161
23 Public works 162
24 Records management and archives 164
25 Social services 166
26 Transportation and traffic 170
Traffic engineering and parking 170
Transit management 172
Transportation planning 173
Airport operations and aerospace 174
Port management 175
27 Utilities management 176
28 Savvy job sources for each state 179
City and state job–finding tools 180
Job sources by state 187
Alabama 187
Alaska 188
Arizona 190
Arkansas 191
California 192
Colorado 198
Connecticut 200
Delaware 201
District of Columbia 202
Florida 204
Georgia 206
Hawaii 207
Idaho 209
Illinois 210
Indiana 212
Iowa 214
Kansas 215
Kentucky 216
Louisiana 217
Maine 218
Maryland 219
Massachusetts 222
Michigan 223
Minnesota 225
Mississippi 226
Missouri 227
Montana 229
Nebraska 230
Nevada 231
New Hampshire 232
New Jersey 233
New Mexico 234
New York 236
North Carolina 238
North Dakota 240
Ohio 241
Oklahoma 242
Oregon 243
Pennsylvania 245
Rhode Island 247
South Carolina 248
South Dakota 250
Tennessee 251
Texas 253
Utah 255
Vermont 256
Virginia 258
Washington 260
West Virginia 263
Wisconsin 265
Wyoming 266
29 Federal government 268
Federal government hiring process 270
Sources of federal jobs 281
Contacting federal personnel offices 289
Directories of federal agencies 296
Resources for federal applications 303
Index 309
Budget–stretching discount coupons 316
Job search resource catalog 320
Reader feedback form 324
About the author 325
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