Everything you need to become a flight attendant in the U.S. and Canada

Flight Attendant Job Finder & Career Guide Cover - 77th anniversary editionFlight Attendant Job Finder
& Career Guide

77th Anniversary Edition

This is listing for AirTran Airways illustrates the type of information provided for each U.S. and Canadian airline in this book. Chapter 25 explains each of the categories in depth. Periodically, free updates to these directory listings will be posted on this site to provide you with changes to any of these airline listings.

AirTran Airways
Airline type: Scheduled
Resume required: Yes
SASE required with application: No
Application retained: 1 month
Application fee: $25
Interviews/type: Three / open house, group, individual
Airline pays transportation to interview: Yes
Height: 5’2" to 6’2"
Minimum age: 19
Language(s) preferred: Bilingual a plus
Base pay/minimum hours: $18.56 per hour / 70 hours
Overtime rate: None
Per diem: $1.25/hour
Uniform costs: $500
Training length/location: 20 days / ATW
Training cost: None
Salary during training: Bonus after completion
Company–paid housing provided: Out–of–town trainees only
Domiciles: ATW
Flight attendant union: Association of Flight Attendants
AirTran Airways
Attn: Human Resources
9955 AirTran Blvd.
Orlando, FL 32827–5385
Instructions: Open house by invitation only.
Website: http://www.airtran.com/aboutus/employ/index.jsp

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