
Partial listing

Planning & Housing

 “What an AI Can Do to Integrate Fair Housing into Planning Practices” presentation part of the session “The Role of States and Local Government – The Consolidated Plan and the Analysis of Impediments and Compliance With the Fair Housing Act,” 20–minute presentation at Implementing the Duty to Affirmatively Further Fair Housing, sponsored by the Fair Housing Legal Support Center and Clinic, The John Marshall Law School (Chicago, IL Sept. 20–21, 2013)

Speaker with Richard Rothstein, author of The Color of Law: How Our Government Segregated America. Explained what communities have done and can do to achieve stable, racial integration. (Oak Park, Dec. 7, 2017)

“Achieving and Maintaining Racial Diversity,” a 90–minute presentation at the Tenth Annual Fair Housing Conference of the Fair Housing Center of Southwest Michigan, theme: “Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing – Moving Forward” (Kalamazoo, MI April 12, 2013)

“Key Elements and Best Practices: Creating a Competent Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice,” three–hour presentation with Caroline Peattie at Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing and Affirmative Marketing, a day–long training seminar for recipients of Community Development Block Grants sponsored by the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, Western Center on Law and Poverty, and Legal Aid Foundation of Los Angeles (Los Angeles, CA March 16, 2011)

“Creating an Effective Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing,” one–hour presentation at Race Place and Fair Housing in Texas, A Statewide Conference at the University of Texas School of Law (Austin, TX October 15, 2010)

“Fair Housing & Economic Opportunity: Updating the AI, Ensuring Compliance & Making Progress Toward Change,” three–hour panel presentation at Annual Community and Economic Development Conference and Training conducted by the National Association for County Community & Economic Development (Ann Arbor, MI Oct. 2, 2010)

Speaker and panelist in session “Strategies for Change,” at “A Dream Deferred: Residential Segregation in Oregon,” sponsored by HUD, Fannie Mae Foundation, Fair Housing Council of Oregon, et al., May 3, 2005

Speaker and panelist at the conference “The Struggle for Fair Housing: Weighing Our Progress,” conducted by the Fair Housing Center of West Michigan (Grand Rapids, MI, April 29, 2004)

Speaker on preserving racial diversity at the “Fair Housing 1968–1998: Promises Kept, Promises Broken,” University of Miami School of Law (Feb., 6–7, 1998)

Plenary session speaker, Annual Town and Community Planning Conference, Iowa State University: evaluated Housing & Community Development Act (Nov. 1977)

“Funding for Limited–Equity Cooperatives: An Approach for Chicago,” American Planning Association Illinois/Wisconsin Conference (1979)

Also see Affordable Housing

Fair Housing

“Innovations in Municipal Regulation of Group Homes, Sober Homes, and Recovery Communities,” webinar presented by Lorman Education (February 21, 2019)  

Planning and the Opioid Epidemic: Session Three,” American Planning Association webinar (March 20, 2018)

“Municipal Regulation of Group Homes and Sober Living Arrangements,” Strafford Publishing webinar (April 18, 2017)

“Healthy and Legal – Zoning for Group Homes in Tennessee,” keynote address at “Farmhouse to Penthouse” the 2013 Fall Conference of the Tennessee Chapter of the American Planning Association (Kingsport, TN Sept. 26, 2013)

“Coming Soon to Your Community: Housing for People With Disabilities,” a 90–minute session at the American Planning Association–Chicago Metro Section Fall Conference (Chicago, October 4, 2013)

“Group Home Zoning: How to Comply With the Fair Housing Act,” a 90–minute presentation at the  2013 Fall Conference of the Illinois State Section of the American Planning Association (Columbia, IL, Sept. 27, 2013)

“Integrating Fair Housing into Municipal Law: Group Homes, AIs, and the Fair Housing Act,” Teleconference speaker, International Municipal Lawyers Association (IMLA), July 13, 2010.

“Focus on Community Residences/Group Homes,” part of the session “LULUs: Locally Unwanted Land Uses,” American Bar Association Annual Conference, (Chicago, July 31, 2009)

“The Fair Housing Act: Group Homes and Zoning: Fair or Foul?” American Bar Association Annual Conference (Atlanta, August 13, 1991).

“Federal Statutory and Regulatory Changes in Fair Housing Amendment,” Association of State Mental Health Attorney Annual Conference (Kansas City, MO, Oct. 1, 1990)

“Must Zoning Accommodate Group Homes?,” Fair Housing Enforcement: A Focus on Special Issues Affecting the Disabled, Families with Children, and the First Amendment, Fair Housing Legal Support Center, John Marshall Law School (Chicago, April 28, 1995)

“Impact of Zoning on Free Housing Choices,” Third Annual Fair Housing Summit of the Indiana Fair Housing Task Force, April 10, 2000, Muncie, IN

Plenary Session Speaker, “Myths of Fair Housing,” at “Fair Housing Conference,” sponsored by U.S. Department of Housing & Urban Development, Municipality of Anchorage, and Alaska Chapter of the American Planning Association, Anchorage, AK. Conducted plenary session as a two–hour workshop. (April 1998)

Plenary Speech, National Conference on Technology and Politics of Planning (Illinois Planning Council on Developmental Disabilities, Chicago, April 1986)

Featured speaker, “Communities That Care: Housing for Special Populations” Conference, Wright State University Center for Urban and Public Affairs, Miami Valley Regional Planning Commission (Oct. 23, 1987)

“Handicap and Zoning Ordinances,” Annual Meeting of the Indiana Consortium of State and Local Human Rights Agencies (Hammond, IN, June 13, 1996)

Speaker on zoning for group homes under the Fair Housing Act at the “Fair Housing 1968–1998: Promises Kept, Promises Broken,” University of Miami School of Law (Feb., 6–7, 1998)

Faculty, Illinois Institute for Continuing Legal Education, “Municipal Law: 1987 Update,” (May 20 and 28, 1987)

“Overcrowding and the Definition of Family,” Illinois Chapter American Planning Association Annual Conference, June 11, 1998

“Enforcement Panel,” Opening Doors, 14th Annual Fair Housing Seminar, co–sponsored by Cook County Commission on Human Rights, HUD, Chicago Association of Realtors, and 15 other organizations (June 3, 1994)

“Zoning Issues,” 28th Annual Meeting, Wisconsin Association of Residential Facilities (June 2, 1997)

Zoning Institute (American Institute of Certified Planners): Conducted three–hour workshop on zoning for group homes (Oct. 1985)

Annual Zoning and Planning Conference, Governors State University, course on:

Zoning for Group Homes and Halfway Houses (1985)

Speaker, workshops on “Dealing with Community Fears” and “Zoning Issues,” Housing Symposium on Creating Housing for People with Special Needs (Evanston Regionalized Housing Plan Committee, May 1986)

Plenary and Session Speaker, Community Living Arrangements Conference (City of Philadelphia, Sept. 1986)

“Zoning for Group Homes and Halfway Houses Workshop,” Annual Zoning Institute, San Francisco (American Institute of Certified Planners, Oct. 1985)

Conducted half–day workshops for municipal planners in six–county Chicago area, Illinois Department of Mental Health and Developmental Disabilities (Feb., March, May, 1981)

“Group Homes and Halfway Houses Workshop,” Zoning and Planning Workshop at Governors State University (University Park, IL, Oct. 1981)

Speeches or workshops on zoning for group homes and/or impacts of group homes:

American Planning Association Annual National Conference — Session speaker and/or moderator:

Other Planning and Zoning

Faculty, “Ethics in Urban Planning,” a mini–course in “Community Planning & Development,” sponsored by the Municipal Art Society Planning Center and Hunter College, New York, NY, October 14, 2003

Faculty, Doing Your Job: A One–Day Workshop on Local Planning and Zoning, full–day workshops for planning commissioners, elected officials, and planners, sponsored by the Institute for Public Policy and Administration, Governors State University (University Park, Illinois):

Part I: Rockford, Matteson, Moline, Champaign (1988)

Part II: Rockford, Matteson, Oak Brook Terrace (1989)

Annual Zoning and Planning Conference, Governors State University, course on:

Recent Developments in Zoning Law, and the Zoning Hearing Examiner (1986)

“Socially Informed Planning” — Institute on Zoning and Planning, University of Illinois (Urbana), 1975, 1976

Guest Lecturer

University of Illinois (Urbana)— social planning (1975); planning in the real world (1981)

Governors State University— socially–informed planning (1976–77, 1979)

Oakton Community College— guest lecturer on planning (1980)
