Table of Contents
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Dedication v
Preface vii
1 Straight Talk on Finding International Jobs 1
International JobSearch Tools 3
Avoiding International Job Scams 13
6 Steps to Job Quest Success 17
2 Using the Internet 19
Getting Started 19
Using the World Wide Web 23
Using Email 26
Using Newsgroups 27
Using PDF 29
3 Worldwide Sources of Jobs 30 the job sources described in this chapter cover the globe
4 Africa 122 the job sources described in this first part of the chapter cover all of Africa
Morocco 125
South Africa 125
5 Antarctica 130
6 Asia 132 the job sources described in this first part of the chapter cover all of Asia
Bangladesh 137
China 138
Hong Kong 139
India 141
Japan 144
Malaysia 150
Nepal 150
Pakistan 151
Philippines 151
Singapore 152
South Korea 154
Sri Lanka 155
Taiwan 156
Thailand 157
Vietnam 158
7 Australia 160 the job sources described in this first part of the chapter cover all of the Australian continent
Australia 167
New Zealand 179
8 Europe and Russia 183 the job sources described in this first part of the chapter cover all of Europe and Russia (including the "Asian" part of Russia)
Austria 196
Belgium 198
Bulgaria 201
Czech Republic 201
Denmark 203
Estonia 204
Finland 205
France 207
Germany 209
Greece 213
Hungary 213
Ireland 214
Italy 217
Latvia 218
Lithuania 219
Luxembourg 219
Netherlands 220
Norway 224
Poland 226
Portugal 226
Romania 227
Russia 228
Scotland 231
Spain 231
Sweden 233
Switzerland 235
United Kingdom 237
9 Middle East 263 the job sources described in this first part of the chapter cover all of the Middle East
Israel 268
Saudi Arabia 269
Turkey 269
United Arab Emirates 269
10 Latin America 270 the job sources described in this first part of the chapter cover all of Latin America
Argentina 274
Brazil 275
Caribbean 276
Chile 276
Colombia 277
Panama 277
Paraguay 277
Uruguay 277
Venezuela 278
11 North America 279 the job sources described in this first part of the chapter cover both Canada and Mexico
Canada 281
Mexico 318
12 International Career Resource Center 320
Bibliography 322
Resource Index 324
Topic Index 339
Advertiser Index 346
About the Authors 347
Free $65 Directory of International Employers 348
This is American Jobs Abroad which is available to readers free; you pay only $10 to cover shipping and handling this 5pound, 800 page directory of American companies with jobs abroad.
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