2009 Best Practice Award from Illinois Chapter of the American Planning Association for Analysis of Impediments to Fair Housing Choice in the City of Naperville, Illinois 2007 — 2009
Paul Davidoff Award from the American Planning Association for demonstrating a sustained social commitment to advocacy planning in support of the needs of society’s less fortunate members — 1998
1991 Illinois APA Chapter Award of Merit for Program or Project of Unusually High Merit Performed Under Serious Budgetary, Staff, or Political Constraints — 1991
Illinois APA Chapter Award of Merit for Oak Park Comprehensive Plan 1979 — 1983
Mid–America Publishers Association Award for “Best Makeover” in book design for Professional's Job Finder book — 1997
Benjamin Franklin Award: “Most Improved Redesign“ for Government Job Finder book — 1995
National Gold Ink Competition Pewter Award for design and production of the Non–Profits' Job Finder, 3rd edition — 1994
American Planning Association (APA): President: 19851986; Director: 19781979, 19811987; 19921994; 20032005
American Institute of Certified Planners (AICP): President: 19921994, 20032005; Commissioner: 19921995; 20022005
American Society of Planning Officials: Director: 19761978
Oak Park Regional Housing Center: 19952003
MetroHelp (National Runaway Switchboard): 19771979
University of Illinois Alumni Association: 19831985
American Association on Mental Retardation, Region VI Executive Committee, 19881991: Legal Advocacy Vice Chairman: 198891
American Bar Association: 1983+
Committee on Regulation of Land Use: 19871992
Chairman, Group Home and Congregate Living Subcommittee: 19891992
Group Home Model Zoning Ordinance Subcommittee: 19871989
Committee on Condominiums, Cooperatives and Homeowner Associations, Section of Real Property, Probate, and Trust Law: 19831985
Chicago Bar Association: 1986+
Constitutional Law and Civil Rights Committee: 2007–2010
Real Property Law Committee, Subcommittee on Zoning and Land Use, Vice Chair: 19891990; member: 19862001
Local Government Committee: 19862001
Illinois State Bar Association, 19862000
Local Government Committee, 19931994
American Planning Association, 1979+:
Ad Hoc Committee on National Housing Policy: 19871988
National/State Policy Coordinating Committee: 19891990
Planners Support Committee: 19941995